
Friday, April 6, 2018


Hey bloggers!!! Today I am blogging on Easter. How was Easter for you? I enjoyed the past 5 days! I really enjoyed the Easter hunt the most! I learnt new things too, have a read of what I learnt!!!
⛹I learnt how to play my mum and dad's way of playing hand ball. It was very enjoyable. Also I enjoyed the Easter hunt, it was my Favourite part. The chocolate eggs were delicious.  They were so creamy. My second favourite part was giving. For Easter my mum bought some huge eggs for me and my sibilings, we all agreed when she gave it to us. To give it to someone else who doesn't have any. 
Image result for cartoon easter eggs in a basket png
I hope you had a great Easter. Please feel free to leave a comment or some feedback for me. I can't wait to see you blogs. Catch ya Later Bloggers!!!!


  1. Hi Lavinia,

    Its Ian from Yaldhurst Model School.
    You did an ok blog post. I liked how you were going to give your eggs if someone didn’t have any. Did you enjoy Easter ? Also you used a capital for favorite in the middle of the sentence.

    Kind regards Ian.

  2. Hi lavinia excellent bloging by rua and my sister .


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