
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The NED Show

Aloha Bloggers!!!
              Today I am blogging on NED Show we had couple week ago. We had it a couple weeks ago. I really enjoyed it. The NED Show guy was really funny, he told us what happened in the morning with him and Ned. Ned is his friend. His name NED stands for...
                      Never Give Up 
                               Encourage Others
                                     Do Your Best 
He asked us a question and 3 people could answer it. The person who answered it the best, got a prize. I was the last to answer, and I got the prize. Here are some photos and videos of the day and me with my prizes!!!

I hope you enjoyed my blog. My prizes was a YoYo and balloon crown. Please feel free to leave a comment or some feedback for me. I hope you enjoyed my work. 
Catch you Later Bloggers!!!

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